War of the Trial of Fates

All I Know Is War

»Posted by on Aug 6, 2018 in Lords & Landscapes: Fates EXTEND: Age of Shadows, War of the Trial of Fates | 0 comments

All I Know Is War

These trials that have extended beyond my very reach have proven time and time again to take a violent toll on my body. A violent toll on all that I am.  For the longest time, I have sought to get the upper hand, but alas – my strengths and smarts, will, and wisdom have proven to be inefficient during these trying times. And it is with this that a war wages on.

The Fates that await me are none like I have ever seen in the past. These Fates speak of ends and a new life. They speak of the arrival of the last day’s and the burning of an Age of Shadows. I am no fool, I can too see the shiftings within the sky once again. They have no begun to rustle gently, yet with potential and will like an ember; and soon they will bestow their very wrath across these grand scapes – along with the Shadows that are now waiting to join this war once more, a new type of shadow.

For the longest time, this is all I have known. A fight that is far from mine alone, yet I feel as if I am the only one fighting it. A fight that seeks to take on the entire world, yet only a handful are leading the few of the army towards the battlefield. It is true, I cannot seem to grasp the magnitude of the darkness that is preparing to descend during this age, I cannot seem to grasp the depths of ends that these Fates seek to bestow upon me, but somehow – acceptance still remains. However, I have now begun to fight vigilantly, and violently, seemingly able to channel some strange and mysterious hate of ages past. Hate that was perhaps birthed during a simpler time, or perhaps during the exile I know all to well. Regardless of it’s origin, it is now that I must gather all the strength I have that is left along with any shred of hope remaining, and multiply it, extending it – much like the Trials that have plagued since my Fate was seemingly sealed.

I know not of what shall become of me once these skies wash over these lands, but what I do know is war, and how much this fight here shall continue to rage on, worsening with every passing hour. For all I can see when I close my eyes is war, it is all I know, it is all I can feel, it seeks to consume me with every passing second, like a disease, a sickness. I have not found my way out, however this is no time to flee. I know the light that burns violently from within like a flame wad stolen many times, by shadows that seek to claim fragments of me as their own. But now I too, must push back harder.

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Of Failure & BattleCry’s

»Posted by on Jul 21, 2018 in Lords & Landscapes: Fates EXTEND: Age of Shadows, Recent Activity, War of the Trial of Fates | 0 comments

Of Failure & BattleCry’s

As I have said time and time again, this is the Age of Shadows. A time in where wanderers like me are hunted by the fates and forces that seek to erase those much too conflicted, much to strange in their ways to continue throughout the path. While I feel that not all of these things are the embodiment of me, I do know very well that there is a fragment that lies far within that is this embodiment, and thus I am hunted. With each passing day, this war has been ever growing, for ever since the peak of the dawn the amount of shadows that have risen are of numbers that I cannot even conceive. And while I have been fortunate to withhold myself from being consumed, I sense that soon I will no longer have any other option but to accept defeat.

The day’s of Trials are now long behind us. With now, the only trial presenting itself to us now is the survival of such chaos that now washes across these grand scapes. These scapes that now look to catch fire within various corners and edges, and soon it will spread, and soon it destroy – much like the flares that were ignited within me, but seer at a painful and slow pace. Perhaps I will lay my head here to rest, perhaps I will be swallowed by the forces that have hunted me for so long – long before the Cavern Walls.

For at this time, I cannot touch these Shadows; while there presence surely haunts my soul and weakens me to my knees – the most I can do is run and set fires across the paths and trails that follow me, thus I cannot be caught. But soon, a victor must be crowned in this war, and even sooner I must begin to fight back. For a Twilight stronger than what I had set eyes upon during the hours before Castles soon awaits us all. A violent twilight which dreams of leaving us at it’s peak for a breed of darkness much more sinister than anything the depth of hell could craft. So it is with this in mind that I take my failures and shortcomings to heart – whilst knowing the end is quickly nearing with every passing day. For no road goes on for an eternity.

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Sacrifices & Artifacts

»Posted by on May 24, 2018 in Lords & Landscapes: Fates EXTEND: Age of Shadows, Recent Activity, War of the Trial of Fates | 0 comments

Sacrifices & Artifacts

In this moment things have begun to become dangerous once again. For as battles of a trial that is awaiting to dispel Fates continues to wage on, there is part of me that is forced to sit and watch, bear witness to the violent and blinding darkness that sweeps over this place, for this Age brings upon us all a darkness that dispels all hope.  I know that without my heart I would not have made it this far, and I know that during the days in which I lost it – ultimately taught me the strength to find my own way, the strength to continue dreaming once all was ripped away.

But during these sinister times of trials, wars, and fates – I know that the strength I have gathered up over the years, over the eras is no match for the shadows that in which now walk upon these lands. For this is there time in history, many of us fun from them, and very few of us stay to fight. 

I know soon, I will reach the peak of this extended trial and the ultimate sacrifices will have to be made, sacrifices that will ultimately bring upon a new age of fire, burns, and scars that may mold me into something worthy enough to take on the shadows I have run from for so long. For I have had the dreams of a brighter light, a more gentle light, in a more peaceful life. But alas, those are none but dreams – and the 7th sleep has long since met it’s fate. With that in mind, I know what awaits is the gathering of what strength still lies dormant from within, and what hope and peace remains in my heart after all that will soon be lost. 

For I knew all of this was to happen again, though, in what form I was never told. 

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The Flame

»Posted by on Feb 7, 2018 in Lords & Landscapes: Fates EXTEND: Age of Shadows, Recent Activity, War of the Trial of Fates | 0 comments

The Flame

The loving, yet mysterious light that had once graced these lands have long faded – for now fires that spread across thousands of skies now light these grounds where blood is so violently shed. Innocence here, has been destroyed and exposed for the lives that seek to live in peace and harmony are larger inconveniences for those who much towards secrets. Now perhaps it’s true what darker knights have told me; that in time, you are bound to become like them – for every sun must soon set, only then will in it’s rest will it truly meet the darkness. But even I, isolated here within these scapes much larger than the lands in my dreams – feel like I have no place to run, no place to ultimately hide from the trials that have truly begun.

The age which has now arrived is one where the flames must be ignited below, for things much more sinister than anything we’ve ever known have now joined forces and will soon devour us whole. Perhaps to say we’ve known no trial until now would be foolish, but a darkness of this caliber has me visioning a fear I’d never imagined I’d know; a fall much further than that of the Caverns collapse, an exile much longer than that of the place of Castles, an abandonment much colder than what took place on empty platforms, a sea much darker, much more violent than of those I’ve seen.

But as these Trials unfold, and as the panic creeps it’s way’s in, I hold my eyes focused for visions, and ears keened for a direction in this vast place; for like never before, every passing hour is crucial, any could be our last, and it is with this in mind that I press on with the intent to use all that I have remaining.

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